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Type Originator Title Date
Edmunds,W.MHydrogeochem. of Groundwaters in The Derbyshire Dome 1971
Kaisin,F & Pierpont,EHydrogeologie des Calcaires de Belg1que 1939
Meinzer,O.E (editor)Hydrology
Linsley,Ray K, Kohler,Max A & Paulhus,Joseph LHydrology for Engineers 1975
Jones,W.KHydrology of Limestone Karst,US Geological Survey No B36
Yevjevich,V (editor)Karst Hydrology and Water Resources (Vol 1)
Ward,R. CPrinciples of Hydrology 1975
Klimchouk, Ford, Palmer, DreybrodtSpeleogenesis, Evolution of Karst Aquifers
Yorkshire Geological & Polytechnic Soc. (Proc Vol XIV)The Underground Waters of North-West Yorkshire Part I The Sources of the Aire 1900
Yorkshire Geological & Polytechnic Soc. (Proc Vol XV)The Underground Waters of North-West Yorkshire Part II Ingleborough 1904

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